Nuturing New Age Food - cover story, June 2017 Food Processing Magazine

The June 2017 of Food Processing magazine has a cover story dedicated to nurturing new food companies and their innovations.

"It's a story that has been repeated throughout food and beverage history.  John Tyson driving a truck of chickens to sell in Chicago.  J.L. Kraft selling cheese from a horse-drawn wagon.  John Pemberton concocting Coca-Cola at his pharmacy's soda fountain."

I especially liked how this article closes...

"An 'historical shift' in corporate R&D is under way, with food companies focusing on operational efficiency and abandoning innovation and the personnel that drive it.  Many of those product development experts are involved in the right-for-the-times foods from start-ups and early stage companies.  But the next disruptive change in the supply chain is always just around the corner.... believes only large corporations have the wherewithal to weather it."

"Anomalies like Chobani will happen, and the seismic shifts might occur with greater frequency.  The food industry is complex and challenging, and major corporations don't get to where they are without highly skilled professionals with a breadth of expertise.  The issue going forward is nurturing fledgeling organizations until they take flight, either alone or as part of the flock."

Artisan Food Products Network

Midwest Food Products Association

Food Processing Magazine


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